The Importance of Female Mentors | Under an African Lens

For many young girls across Africa, the road to success and career opportunity fares quite differently to that of your average student in a first-world country. One key factor is that many of these young women have no one to model themselves after or inspire a belief in opportunity. Through the Dare to Dream project , and our women’s leadership programs , we’ve seen the absolute importance of female mentors for young girls. One of the biggest barriers to female empowerment around the world is a lack of strong female role models and mentors in the workplace. Now, more than ever we are noticing the importance of female mentors, especially in developing and third world countries. Studies have found that 67% percent of women value female mentorship as highly important for a successful career. Still, only 63% said to have actually had any formal mentorship throughout their career. When angling the lens towards Africa, there is still so much that needs to be don...