Key Qualities that Make Successful BusinessWomen
At Dare to Dream, the core mission is to empower young girls across Africa to actualize their dreams and become industry-leading, successful business women and facilitate more women mentoring women. When it comes to female business leaders there are certain traits that are common amongst them. So, what makes women successful in Business?
The Dare to Dream project is dedicated to helping foster future female business leaders and have seen first-hand the intrinsic value that women mentoring women brings. Across the many amazing women with whom Dare to Dream have partnered, there are some key qualities which they all share:
#1- They Are Purpose Driven
It’s not only about the desire to achieve, it’s about living a life that aligns to achieving those goals. Though, this is many times easier said than done, especially with the many fundamental extenuating circumstances for women across Africa.
Still, Dare to Dream has partnered with many women who have pioneered careers in male dominated industries and defied the odds of their circumstances. They have worked to discover their purpose and drive towards meaning and fulfillment within it.
#2- The Value Their Self-Awareness
Self-awareness is a foundation for self-confidence. Self-aware women understand and accept your strengths, weaknesses, values and how that makes them different and authentic.
There is such a need for more authentic women in business, who do not aim to assimilate with their male counterparts but re-write the game.
#3 – They Have a Thirst for Knowledge
Another key characteristic of successful business women is the continuous search and expansion of knowledge and skills. Knowledge is power, especially for women from disadvantaged areas where resources are scarce and access to quality education is limited.
It’s why Dare to Dream is so committed to providing more education and skills training programs for young girls at disadvantaged schools.
#4 – They’re Not Afraid to Challenge the Status Quo
Stigma directly affects the ability for women to advance in industry and many women would be scared to face odds and to battle against the status quo. Many of the women Dare to Dream have partnered with have persevered and become female firsts in their respective fields.
#5 – They Give Back
The leading females in business understand the value of what they have and how important it is to share their triumphs and failures to help other women conquer their dreams and make names for themselves within industry.
We need more women mentoring women, that is the key factor for advancement of women in business.
To find out more about the amazing female business leaders Dare to Dream partners with, and how you can help foster more women mentoring women visit our website today.
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