
Organizational Tips to Help You Reach Your Goals

  One of our core missions at the Dare to Dream project is to empower women and girls across the world to make their dreams a reality. As part of our girl leadership programs we help young women establish realistic, obtainable goals and find constructive ways on how to reach them. Need some help to achieve your goals? Here are some tips from the team at Dare to Dream .       Proper planning and organization is a key factor when it comes to reaching your goals. Organization enables you to tackle each day and each project with a clear and confident mind.   There are simple hacks you can use every day to help you plan your life and make sure you’re doing what you need to make a successful future. Not sure where to start?   Here’s the top tips we share with young women in our girl leadership programs at Dare to Dream:   Set Up Your To-Do Lists   It’s vital to take the time to set up daily, weekly and monthly to-do lists. It...

Celebrating the 50 Most Influential African Women According to Forbes

  This year Forbes Magazine Africa released its verdict on who they believe are the most powerful and influential women in Africa. Amongst the list were many inspirational black women , from female business leaders  to entrepreneurs to female firsts in the industry, medicine, science, and technology.  These incredible women speak to what we are all about at Dare to Dream.       Over the years, Forbes has become the benchmark for successful individuals. Their magazine has released hundreds of ranked lists from the world’s richest people to influential individuals. When they released their list for the most influential women in Africa this year, we couldn’t help but celebrate the inspirational black women who have risen to the top of their industries.   Media personalities, artists, political leaders, scientists, doctors and female business leader’s all featured on Forbes’ list. While they were many well-known names including Bonang Math...

Key Qualities that Make Successful BusinessWomen

  At Dare to Dream , the core mission is to empower young girls across Africa to actualize their dreams and become industry-leading, successful business women and facilitate more women mentoring women . When it comes to female business leaders there are certain traits that are common amongst them. So, what makes women successful in Business?     The Dare to Dream project is dedicated to helping foster future female business leaders and have seen first-hand the intrinsic value that women mentoring women brings. Across the many amazing women with whom Dare to Dream have partnered, there are some key qualities which they all share:   #1- They Are Purpose Driven    It’s not only about the desire to achieve, it’s about living a life that aligns to achieving those goals. Though, this is many times easier said than done, especially with the many fundamental extenuating circumstances for women across Africa.   Still, Dare to Dream has part...

The Importance of Female Mentors | Under an African Lens

  For many young girls across Africa, the road to success and career opportunity fares quite differently to that of your average student in a first-world country. One key factor is that many of these young women have no one to model themselves after or inspire a belief in opportunity. Through the Dare to Dream project , and our women’s leadership programs , we’ve seen the absolute importance of female mentors for young girls.   One of the biggest barriers to female empowerment around the world is a lack of strong female role models and mentors in the workplace. Now, more than ever we are noticing the importance of female mentors, especially in developing and third world countries.   Studies have found that 67% percent of women value female mentorship as highly important for a successful career. Still, only 63% said to have actually had any formal mentorship throughout their career.   When angling the lens towards Africa, there is still so much that needs to be don...